Tuesday, February 13, 2018


1. Is it correct?

Select * from (
Select 1 union select 2 ) t

Ans : No

This query will not run.
Error:  'no column was specified for column 1 of t'
Correct query is

Select * from (
Select 1 as m1 union select 2 as m2) t

2. Get 7th highest salary.
3. What is normalization?
4. Difference between char,varchar and nvarchar
5. Why we create minified version of js file?
Ans : Reason is
1.  Reducing the page load time of application.
2.  Many are use for security purpose they don't want to share code with others.

6. How we create a minified version of  js file?
Ans :
If we are using Wepack it will do minified and also bundle all dependecies into single budle.js.
Other tool used to minify are UglifyJS

7. Difference between IEnumerable, IQuerable and IList.
Ans : https://interview-preparation-for-you.blogspot.in/2018/02/difference-between-ienumerableiqueryable.html

8. What is anonymous type?
Ans : Anonymous type(class) used when we fetch data using LINQ and put them in a newly created anonymous class.

9. What is the difference between put and post?

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